Freeloading Phill and ...

... Surprising BestFriendSincePrep

I have just returned from the surprise birthday party for BestFriendSincePrep. It was cunningly organised over email by his wife and he was none the wiser, being one of those strange people who don't frequent the internet.

Since BestFriendSincePrep's new residence is a huge hike out to the country I drove, collecting Legion2 and the BrotherStealer along the way.
Other gamers in attendance included Gavman, and Pirate Dave with Elfboy pulling out at the last minute with the pathetic excuse of food poisoning.

The surprise part of the day was going perfectly until Pirate Dave decided to arrive at the same time as BestFriendSincePrep. It turns out that a someone you know crouching down behind a car out the front of your house makes you a tad inquisitive, especially if you live halfway to the countryside. Other late arrivals such as The Electric Tiger had the good grace to arrive after the party was well and truly under way but, well, it was Pirate Dave and such are his ways. In the end he had to resort to "forget you saw me, go inside and act surprised."

The food was all good and the donut birthday cake did indeed taste of donut - I tasted it twice just to be sure.

Still mentally scarred from the combinatiuon of BestFriendSincePrep, free beer and summer days I made sure to not stay all night and even decided to forgo some probable free pizza in order to head home before beer-fueled disaster could strike.

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