Freeloading Phill and ...

... Helliconia Winter by Brian Aldiss

Making my way into work today on the holiday-time crowd free train allowed me to finish of this book, and with it the Helliconia Trilogy.

Much like my experience this year the series covered a great year. In this case it was Helliconia's great year which includes centuries-long seasons (you could guess that from the volume titles couldn't you?)

I enjoyed this one a lot more than the second one. There was no annoying flashback storytelling device and it was an interesting thing to see where the civilisations would end up as they headed into the long winter.

Billed as Sci-Fi it is in reality mostly a dawn and growth of civilisation tale with a small touch of supernatural and a an almost non-intersecting sub plot about observers from Earth.

Enjoyable but probably won't rock your year.

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