Freeloading Phill and ...

... The 25 Blogs of Christmas

So here's a crazy idea.

Looking at the Shelved Posts part of The Tales I realised that I'm 25 posts away from hitting the magic 100 posts for the year. At my usual posting frequency I'd only get another two or three posts in for the year leaving me at about 78 and having to make the run at the ton next year.

However I don't have the patience to wait that long for the glory so I'm going to attempt to make it to the 100 this year by making micro postings. I won't be cheating and making frivelous posts (frivelous compared to my usual posting style, anyway) but I will be attempting to post daily and a bit and making a few catch-up posts to get me well on the way. I may even have to stoop as low as to doing some more of the 23 2.0 things!

Hold on tight, this is going to be a crazy ride...

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