Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Abandonment of Mr Prada

(Ex:  ... Abandoned by Mr Prada - apologies to Fridgepower)
This morning I was looking forward to tackling another classroom full of 2.0 recalcitrants with Mr Prada my partner in crime only to have him cancel his appearance for the measly reason of having to open the library and serve the borrowers.

Shouldering the immense burden, I soldiered on and proceeded to instruct Ms Magpie, Bomber Babe, Alltogether Heather, The Beaumaris Ballerina, and The Administrator in the mysteries of the 2.0 world.

In other new AntagonisticAl's printer pranks have continued to get worse as a follow-up phone call today revealed that the the part I ordered on Thursday is "Not in Stock" and has to be back-ordered. So not only did they not inform me of the extra delay I also found out that the order wasn't put into their system until after 12 the day after my call!

1 comment:

Stompy said...

First you decide to cram a whole stack of posts into the last few weeks before xmas. (Like we don't all have enough to do at this time of year without extra blog-reading homework!)

I didn't read your blog for a few days and suddenly there is a whole backlog of posts to catch up on.

You promise "I won't be cheating and making frivelous posts" to meet your 100-post target.

Then this! Not only frivelous, but the title doesn't flow properly: you can't have "Freeloading Phill and Abandoned by Mr Prada"!

Your punishment: you must now make another 100 posts before then end of 2008. Hmmph!