Freeloading Phill and ...

... Workin' on the Desk Again

It seems an age since I was last formally slaving for the public covering the desk while some meeting took place. At least it's a long time since I blogged about it.

I was on with Supervisor Grand Chief K who was fascinated with seeing the RFID machine up close so, of course, I had to do everything - including puzzling out how to open the doors and let the borrowers in.
Eventually I worked out that we used a key to open the door and the library opened only a handful of minutes late - I don't think anybody noticed.

I had to fake my way through quite a few reference and VCE preperation queries, and other such un-fun things while SGCK played around with the RFID machine - trying to get near the machine was like trying to take The Tiger's bowl away during dinner time. Finally I did get to have a go at the machine but then Mr Prada appeared post-meeting and whisked it away from me and put it to his own nefarious uses.

With no RFID machine to play with I had to resort to fixing broken PCs in the afternoon before zooming down to Beaumaris to join their Xmas drinks and nibbles.
I was a touch late but thankfully there was plenty of un-nibbled fare. Ms Magpie and I made some work-related small talk so I feel justified in nibbling half the food on the table.

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