Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Great Sandro's Special Day

Well not much of great import happened on boxing day - some cricket watching, a walk, some computer time, and a lot of relaxing.

Today however was dominated by the extended phone conversation that is a short call to wish The Great Sandro a happy birthday. You might remember him as my footy frequenting buddy but we do have the occasional outside of footy things - like phone calls to, umm, organise which footy games we're going to attend in the coming year.
TGS has an intellectual disability that puts him at around the early teens level which, aside from bringin him down to my mental level, makes for some strange and fun turns of conversation and also makes him someone who would stay on the phone all day.
Luckily some catastrophe crashed our connection after only an hour and a half so I had the rest of the afternoon to myself.

I filled some of it with a little website work for Blind Willie - who incidentally was The Great Sandro's previous footy buddy.

Oh, speaking of childish minds, BestFriendSincePrep has just called with some movie going idea. I'll keep you posted of how this looming disaster unfolds.

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