Freeloading Phill and ...

Pavlov's Hulk

One's ongoing experimental regime has begun to bear fruit.

One is having ongoing success in recognition of "die" fighters and members of the Skywalker family and cries of "Magpies!" are regularly heard coming from householders other than oneself.

Most recently, whenever the kitchen timer of myself and Salsa Girl has finished it's ticking countdown, the final ringing of the bell has been accompanied by Hulk's little voice excitedly exclaiming:


The New Blog Filter

For today's post on the tales I am trying out a new text filter.

The way it works us that I put all my thoughts through it and it reformats them according to its theme.

So I have gathered all this mornings witticisms, scintillating incites, turns of phrase that will make even the staunchest of you weep with emotion, and humorous stylings.

Now I simply run them through the "Multi-Hour-Overnight-Hulk-Settle-sans" filter and wallah:

