Freeloading Phill and ...

Got got or not?

 So over the past several years one has not got got - unless one has a legendarily robust immune system, which given one's valiant, but ultimately futile, struggles against the many waves of  man-cold encountered in ones lifespan, seems extremely unlikely.

However in recent weeks a “relatively” close acquaintance that one spent some significant face to face gaming time with was got got.

Hearing of this may have caused One to spontaneously suffer psycho-somatic got symptoms for a day or so, skipping in-person gaming and, much to the disappointment of The Great Sandro, the first planned footy expedition of the year. 

In the end One is not sure of One's got got status as, throughout one's period of convalescence, nigh on a half dozen got tests all came back not got, so who really knows if One was got got or not got got.
