Freeloading Phill and ...

... Postcards from the Svets

Well Xmas cards actually. Well card to be exact, but I won't let that interfere with a great title.

So it has come to my attention that I have only mentioned Svetlana in passing since her demise, I mean departure. There are no suppressed anger or passive-aggressive issues involved, merely passive-lazy ones. We have spoken several times on the telephone and continued to exchange electronic mail so quit your worrying.

Anyway, I had a joyous moment coming home from work the other day to find an enormous envelope postmarked from Svetlanaland.

Upon tearing it open I discovered a huge Xmas card with some sentimental message inside and - best of all - a picture of her local castle in the midst of winter on the front. The lady knows me too well.
Of course she timed it all so I would be unable to return post a cardboard missive in time for the occasion. (Since then we've had another epic phone conversation which I hope has alleviated the need for cardboard sending)

Things are going okay for her although the job front looks a tad shaky so there is the slight possibility that she may have to return to my side. In which case I would be able to return to a once a fortnight posting schedule instead of this inhumane level you have me at now.

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