Freeloading Phill and ...

... Learning to Fear the Desk

After a nice few days rest and a relaxing afternoon gaming on Sunday I was thrown head-first into the maelstrom today.

There I was innocently minding my own business and trying to motivate myself to get started on a mass of stats that needed to be done when Miss Amanda conveniently realised that there was a rostering muck-up and I was needed to cover out front for "only 25 minutes".

As naive as I am I did not see the trap I was blithely walking into as I considered that it was both holiday time and rather nice weather outside so why would anyone want to while away their time in a library.

Nearly two hours later I am reeling from the nigh-constant flow of borrowers with mountainous piles of books to return, unique queries, and bizarre desire to join the library. On top of all that I had to repeatedly fiddle with some of the equipment which was obviously still in holiday mode and had decided to work for only five minutes before having a little rest.

After finally crawling away to safety I made my way outside for some welcome outside-ness and fetching of a late lunch.

The whole experience has made me much wiser about accepting short shifts on the desk although I was obviously still a little stunned for the rest of the afternoon as I neglected to pay the bountiful cake and snack table in the staffroom the attention it deserved. Luckily I'm back there tomorrow.

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