Freeloading Phill and ...

... The 100th Post

Well I made it despite my doubters.

It was a hard slog and after the blog-a-day experience I think I shall take a blogiday (a holiday from blogging) and return to my weekly-ish posting frequency.

I have felt that my posting standards slipped and I at least noticed the lack of editing time - not to mention time for other things (no weight gain from all that Xmas feasting being but one of the many side effects).

Still it has honed my writing and especially my stream of consciousness skills as many of these posts were banged out from only a title idea and ended up going on and on for paragraphs.

Oh well, a happy New Year to you all. I am now off to Legion3's for a laid back New Years with much less dancing than last years Svetlanaland soiree.

1 comment:

Hanley Tucks said...

What?! What am I supposed to read every day now, the newspaper?