Freeloading Phill and ...

... Train Works and Tiger Bites

Last night's quiet night in was frequently punctuated by The Tiger insisting on, at first, food and then all that attention she deserved by birthright.

In her catty way she demanded that I stand beside her as she ate - either that or she has some sort of feline dementia and forgets that there is food in the bowl until I follow her eager escort to the kitchen and lo and behold I have miraculously half filled her bowl and she can now chow down.
In either case it came to the "give me attention" point of the evening and then all of a sudden rubbing against Phill's hand became nipping which became digging the teeth in as the hand was pulled away.

Later, after application of a bandaid and much scolding, I retired for the evening only to be awakened a scant few hours later by the glorious sounds of workers enthusiastically getting back to the nearby overnight railway line work after their Xmas break.

I'm not certain but I do believe they were employing cranes to swing the new rails against each other and create that far-carrying and penetrating ringing sound of metal on metal - they were quite good at it too, carrying on for almost an hour.

Of course all of that night-time hullabaloo left me a tad tired today and, combined with the mind-numbingness of stats work, meant that I slipped up at Devil's Advocate's birthday lunch and didn't think to follow up on the Turkish bread component of my meal when it failed to show up for it's imminent consumption.

I did, however, recover enough in the afternoon to make copious use of the thank you chocolates given to library staff and left unprotected in the staff room.

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