Freeloading Phill and ...

Daddy-Daughter Weekend

With Salsa Girl away for a few days this weekend past naturally became a four day Daddy-Daughter weekend for Hulk and I.

Of course once he got wind of this BestFriendSincePrep naturally decreed it would be Daddy-Daughter-BestFriendSincePrep weekend with three nights of visits for gaming and other suchlike debauchery.

So, on the one night he did turn up, much gaming and bourbon fun was had - although one may have enhanced the other (as bourbon isn't usually such fun).

It was also Daddy-Daughter-Zoo weekend as we once more attended said institution to enjoy the attractions such as: chasing seagulls, stomping in the gazebo, climbing the frog statues, and accidentally seeing the odd animal or two.

All in all an excellent weekend that one wished would never end... or was that thought would never end