Freeloading Phill and ...

... Resorting to 2.0

Not a lot happened today for me to pontificate about. Sure we did receive our corporate Xmas present, and it was chocolate instead of the plum pudding of the previous few years, but Supervisor Grand Chief K made sure that there was no point me travelling to all branches to receive multiple handouts by doing all the handing out herself.

Incidentally my plum pudding is still going great guns as a doorstop in the flat.

So anyway after all that sugar based excitement there was not a lot going on in the nearly empty library. I fixed a few things, upgraded some others and tried in vain to resurrect a dead RFID pad.

In order to have some real content, and not receive another telling off about frivolous posting from LittleBigGirl I have decided to revisit my 2.0 progress and knock another one off the list.

So here we go:

(246 Alternate Title: Thing #19 Web 2.0 Awards)

I glanced through the winners for 2008 and a couple caught my eye.

The first was Galaxiki in the Games and Entertainment category. It is described as:
A science fiction and fantasy wiki, the site is home to a fictional galaxy over which the community as total control.

I rather quickly became bored though as when looking around I couldn't find any signs of life much like the real galaxy, I guess, but not a lot of fun. There were some nice planetary orbit maps though and I am a sucker for a good map.

So I moved on to exploring Wufoo which is an online form builder. It's sort of like a grown up Doodle poll with a lot more options and a lot prettier too. The dealbreaker for me though was the small amount of stuff you get in the free version - which to my mind makes it more of a product than a 2.0 site.

So there you go, another chunk of 2.0 done and only about four steps to go to finish. I almost think I can make it to the end in the next year.

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