Freeloading Phill and ...

... Helliconica Spring, Mongol and Torchwood's Tiny Triumph

Helliconia Spring by Brian Aldiss
I finished this off this morning after battling through nearly a month of driving to work and having virtually no lunch time - and certainly no time to read at lunch.
Anyway, I was inspired to read this by my memories of reviews in White Dwarf in the 80's (when it was a magazine and not a glossy brochure) by the great Dave Langford or David as he appears to prefer to be called nowadays.
It's a reasonable read following the low-tech inhabitants of a planet coming out of it's 500 year winter while a space station looks on and broadcasts the action back to Earth reality TV style.
It's also the first of three books so I figure the space stations minor role will become larger in the following books.

Rugrat Twin and I saw this tonight. It was spectacular looking and slightly confusing. They also used up all the ideas for a sequel in the last 10 seconds of the film.

Torchwood's Tiny Triumph
This morning was a gathering of database obsessed librarians at which Torchwood, ably assisted by Mr Prada gave a presentation and there was morning tea.
Afterwards I hung around for a lunch with Madame President and our new treasurer before heading home for a well deserved afternoon off.

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