Freeloading Phill and ...

... My Guitarist's Anniversary

Saturday last I took a trip down Eastlink, aka sculpture lane, to visit My Guitarist and his wife to celebrate their upcoming 5 year anniversary and his impending aging.
I was the only non-family member so it was a little odd being there with their in-laws but they're all okay. In any case the free lunch was a delicious roast and My Guitarist provided copious hand carved beer.

On the long drive home I listened to the footy to hear the Pies beat the Swans and realise that my long-held dream of being able to wear my Collingwood jumper to work Monday morning and get a rise out of Big J was close to fruition.

Sunday was the first gaming Sunday for quite a while and the highlight was definitely ElfBoy coming along for some gaming with the three-week old Elflet strapped to his front.

Monday night's gaming saw The Viking Hat GM get his way and the game was changed to the one he wanted to run. (Unlike every other gaming related post this one should excite Supervisor Grand Chief K no end as the new game is heavily influenced by Spooks.)

Yesterday provided some lovely cake courtesy of Groovy Spirits before an afternoon RFID meeting had me running late for the final session of my Tuesday Night Judge Dredd game.

Today was a day of niggling little job after niggling little help request and I am quite glad to see the back of it. Honestly I don't know why people turn to me for all their IT help...

1 comment:

Bayside Library Online Learning said...

You are right....Spooks did peak my interest!!!!