Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Celebration of Brighton RF

Yes that's right we're halfway through Brighton's RFID tagging and running to schedule - take that Skeptic L, and you doubted me at the last SPUN meeting.

The celebration took the form of free nibbles and drinks in the staff room at the end of the day.
I am suspicious that there was a conspiracy to keep me away from the event with Bomber Babe unnecessarily calling me out to the library to fix the minor problem of no public internet connection - causing me to miss the best of the nibbles!

Once I joined the celebration it was quite a cheerful event with my personal highlight being this short conversation involving the newly blonded Big J.
Someone else: How do those two borrowers communicate?
Freeloading Phill: With the International language?
Big J: What, Esperanto? ... ... oh.

1 comment:

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Hmmmmmm... I think your comments "causing me to miss the best of the nibbles" are casting dispersions/aspersions on my cheese crackers?......