Freeloading Phill and ...

... Plugging the 2.0 Gaps

(246 Alternate Title: Thing #14 Technorati)

On hearing that Innocent Em was going great guns with her 2.0 I thought I'd better get into action and knock another one off my list as people might stop falling for my techno-savvy schtick if I'm last to finish.

Remembering my impatience with the lesson podcasts I skipped straight to the skimming of the text and clicking on links.

Once I arrived at Technorati and performed a few searches I had my first big shock - The Tales is not listed, despite the 2.0 peoples promise that we would be just by being on Blogger!! I feel so betrayed.

I found Technorati to be another big search information overload site and couldn't really be bothered going through it looking for anything interesting - I have enough going on in my life and enough other ways to waste time on the internet.

I was going to do the Technorati tag thing but it looked a bit pointless and looking at it was enought to knock this one off and get ahead of Em.

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