Freeloading Phill and ...

... Poker, Simpsons and Father's Day

After a day back home at Sandy branch on FridayI headed off to a poker night at Micko's. Most of the usual card night gang were there: BestFriendSincePrep, StumpyRudolph, Legion2, Gavman, and Bradley. We had some great games of Chase-the-Ace with our own variation on the rules and a late game of poker.

Trying to sleep in the next day to recover was a bit difficult with the Tiger jumping on me all the time and then strange phone calls from crazy Italian people and Sister Serials having issues at Hampton. In any case I had to be up for a visit from My Guitarist who was this side of town collecting some ebay winnings. We had a good catch up and I found out that Redneck Ben is getting married next weekend.

In the afternoon I finally used one of my awards for being the best person in the library and saw the Simpson's Movie at the local. It was good but not great and I didn't think it pushed the boundaries beyond what could be done on TV as much as I'd been led to believe. After the film GavMan came by for some Space Hulk action.

Today was the gathering of the Legion for Handy Dad's day Lunch followed by general blobbing around at home in preparation for the long hard week ahead.

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