Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Deluge of Donuts

Friday morning was another quarterly LMS group meeting in the city where I found out that another Library service had still not got their wireless up and running for the public so I don't feel so bad now - apart from the scary thought that we could be another two months from debut!
I also picked up a tip about client install that may help to solve some of our ongoing issues at the branches.
After the meeting I trained home and drove into work in heavier traffic than at morning peak!! I don't understand! Anyway the reason for driving was so that I could get to the farewell dinner for The Marketing Marvel which involved a nice meal, a few drinks, a bit of talk (which I forced myself to take part in) and ended with Mr Prada escaping while I valiantly took the dancing bullet to a band called Two Ageing Hipsters with Guitars, or something like that.

Saturday night I had The Great Sandro and Legion2 around for footy watching where we had a Peaksean amount of donuts to comsume because of our lack of menu coordination. It was a great result for the pies and enjoyed by all, although I did worry that Legion2 might kick the TV when the Swans clawed our big lead back to only 4 points.

Sunday was a gaming day where Legion2 and I failed to take Omaha Beach from Gavman's German defenders.

Today was also the sad occasion of my last performance review under Supervisor S. It's not long now before the Supervisor Grand Chief K regime begins.

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