Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Haircut Theory of Scoring

And I mean goal scoring. After getting a great shortening of the freeloading locks on Tuesday, I was able to front up to Thursday nights soccer and score within the opening ten minutes. The total is up to four now - two scored in the week of a haircut. I am considering having my sideburns trimmed every week now and I guess I have further insight into sporting superstitions.

The goal was even more amazing for my ability to score it after being stuffed full of food from the sad farewell to Simmone who is leaving to spawn a future tormentor of IT staff.

1 comment:

Simmone said...

Oh Phill you have much to worry about as my spawn will be taught by me, the master of IT tormentors, just ask my partner, or your newly shorn self!