Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Australia Day Geekwarming

This year for Australia Day I patriotically celebrated by accepting The Viking Hat GM's invite to see his new house and indulge in yet more Gygax style old school gaming.

There were another five gamers there of which I had only played with one before so it was cool to experience play with new people - and they were all fun to play with, plus there were snacks.

I do think that The Viking Hat GM has gone soft after missing out on gaming for the last few months of his packing and moving as he only killed three of the characters and the worst thing we faced was a basilisk unlike the horrors of last time. Kiwi Nick has written the chronicle of our game if you're interested.

I was going to go home for the evening but TVHGM offered free dinner and a free beer. Uncharacteristically I ended up spending the rest of the evening in conversation with him until, in a desperate effort to make me leave, he subjected me to the latest atrocity from Uwe Bolle - In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale. Needless to say I ambled out of there as fast as I could despite remembering BestFriendSincePrep giving it a "Best Movie Ever!" rating.

1 comment:

Hanley Tucks said...

I've not gone soft!

Last year's session: 5 PCs KIA, 8 hours
This year's session: 3 PCs KIA, 5 hours

So the kill rate is about the same. The soft ones were the players who went home early and thus stopped the session. They were the ones whose characters died. Whereas the player whose character survived from the last session stayed till midnight watching a terrible movie. Coincidence? I think not!

Players are wusses!

I was particularly impressed by Kagg the fighter with 1 hit point lasting through several combats, killing seven kobolds, wrestling a basilisk and making it to 2nd level. Col took the challenge in true old school style - "he's useless, but I'll do my best."