Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Romance of Cat Poop

So it seems I have been accused of being un-romantic.

I received a late night/early morning SMS from Svetlana the other night - she's currently gallivanting around Srpski next door to Svetlanaland since her job has gone into winter hybernation.

In my reply I mentioned that I'd had to spend some amount of my middle-of-the-night time freeing The Tiger from a fluff and poop disaster of her own making, and that I wished Svets herself had been there.

Apparently, as was said (texted?) to me with much sarcasm, that was one of the most romantic things to reply with - hmmm, unless it wasn't sarcastic - who knows with these Svetlanese people??

In any case my stating that I would have kissed her afterwards, mysteriously didn't seem to improve my case at all and I thought that doing things together was one of the cornerstones of romance.

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