Freeloading Phill and ...

... Princess Mononoke

I finally caught up with this anime feature only some 5 or 6 years after it's wave of popularity has passed - I'm so anti-cool.

It is a studio Gibli production and various others of theirs have been enthused towards me by the likes of Sir Clive Pitbull and The Composer in the past - both of whom would be horrified that I watched it in the English dub rather than with the subtitles but, sometimes, when I want to see a movie I want to SEE the movie rather than spend my time reading it. And besides with an all star voice cast I figured it would be well voice acted and in the end I was mostly right.

Princess Mononoke was quite the enjoyable movie and managed to have an epic feel without too many over the top anime moments. I recommend it as a reasonable storywith a great sense of the landscape it is set in - much like Lord of the Rings. Why one reviewer called it the Star Wars of animated films I don't quite understand since LOTR is a quite suitable comparison. Oh well.

And how did I come to finally view this you may ask?
Well it was returned by a conscientious borrow on one of the many occasions I happened to be near the desk during the the post-Xmas borrower blitz. Said borrower remarked that the disk didn't work properly.
With Seditious Sam (our designated DVD checker-outerer) off on holidays I decided on the spot to take it home for some technical investigation.
Other than a few small sound glitches all was well and I'll have to try this whole technical investigation thing again and make sure I get my money's worth out of my time in LibraryLand.

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