Freeloading Phill and ...

... Nursing Legion3

The other morning I was able to shirk off from work in order to collect Legion3 from the hospital.

You see he had decided to emulate his older brother and go in for some minor surgery. Of course it took him some three and a bit years to catch up - and even then he wasn't rugged and manly enough to struggle through the pain and go home the same day (some of my detractors would say that I had no choice being day surgery but I'm sure if I'd begged to stay like Legion3 it would have been possible).

Anyway I arrived bright and early for the collection, unlike the doctor who in the end didn't even pop his head in to say Legion3 could go home and left that up to the nursing staff who all kept assuming said doctor had been in and okayed it and so had to keep going off to check.
The end result is that Madmog and I had to wait around for close to an hour until the staff finally came back to release the patient.
I must say I am quite disappointed with private hospitals - there was no breakfast delivery during our arduous stay, nor a morning tea cake trolley, not even a bowl of fruit in the room! I feel I made it out just in time before starvation took hold.

I dropped them home and headed off to work finally getting some respite from all that "ooh it hurts" and "stop punching me there Phill".
Of course that took me to work where it was all "ooh it doesn't work" and "stop just sitting there Phill".

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