Freeloading Phill and ...

... A Serious Lack of Tales Time

Things have just been crowding my calendar and leaving me with no time to scrawl another missive.

Here is an abbreviated list to tide you over and get me back on track.

Watchmen by Alan Moore

Read this again in preparation for the upcoming film. Once again I found it good but not great.

Finishing Watchmen was interrupted by printing problems at all my branches (I hate printers) that had me struggling to remotely fix them all day and then giving up and having a pajama day.
Being sick of computers by the evening I chose to watch House of the Flying Daggers a beautiful Chinese action/romance movie rather than do any blogging.

Sunday was coffee with Rugrat Twin at the market followed by a dash out to St Andrews pub for lunch with The Fungi Lady and friends. Followed by a dash back home for a hair-colour maintenance session with Rugrat Twin.

Monday was hours of server room printer fixing (I hate printers) where the air-con in the server room may just have brought about the return of the Man-Cold. The afternoon was all about installing new coin boxes for the new printers.
In the evening I started my story-arc stint at the Gamecircle game at The Viking Hat GM's.

Tuesday started with some good knee news - it's getting better and should be fine in a few weeks as long as I exercise. I also had some free cakes at a demo of some new software thing

Wednesday I struggled with the printer setup at Hampton until quite late as it refused to work (I hate printers) .

Thursday I started early to install printers at Brighton (I hate printers) before having yet another meeting. Followed by another meeting but this one was better as it came with a free lunch afterwards.

Friday was a change of pace as I started early to do printer installing at Sandringham (I hate printers). Of course it didn't work, and it stuffed one of the public PCs so I had to spend many hours rebuilding the PC. Again I was late home.

Yesterday I visited FridgePower and Judge Mingus to deliver the good work of Agent Smith. After suffering through severe chastisement from FridgePower for not posting enough - and excellent free hot chocolate from Judge Mingus - I headed off to Freeloading Mum's to try to get her ADSL working. I was successful and had a lovely free dinner but couldn't get the internet to happen.

And now we are all caught up and I can return to my more regular posting frequency.

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