Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Night Torchwood Drove Old K Down

Well I don't like to big note myself but my suspicions about Torchwood were vindicated last night.

It was launch night for the Bayside Literary Festival - a little event that has been organised in the background while important things like new printers have been happening.

It will, however, be forever known as the night Torchwood made her grab for power.
She and Supervisor Grand Chief K were preparing for the launch when SGCK "accidentally" slipped on Torchwood's wet bathroom tiles, had the towel rack come off the wall in her hands and tore her hamstring, leaving her unable to host the evening or play football for a few months. I believe that Mr Torchwood was seen in the vicinity with a screwdriver and a bucket suspiciously empty of water shortly before the incident.

The evening itself went quite well although the nibbles didn't circulate in my direction nearly often enough and "the incident" had deprived me of my expected drinking party The Flibberty Gibbet who had gone to play nursemaid to SGCK. I had to make do with Beeby, who drank himself stupid and embarrassed us both.
Afterwards a bunch of us went for a drink or coffee at the nearby drinking establishment and, without SGCK there as an enabler, we all left and were home at a sensible hour.

Other than that my week has been consumed with all things printery and left me little time to frivel. One shining bright light has been getting the okay from the Physio to play in next weeks soccer game - which is a good thing as SGCK has stolen my injury limelight and I won't be getting any more sympathy.


Karyn said...

Yes, it was very suspicious and the way she jumped in at a moments notice to take over was scary.

I think I will have to keep a closer eye on her!


Bayside Library Online Learning said...

And have you considered the complicityof the OPs Librarian with her scarily predicitve 'break a leg'. This may have been a coup attempt!!