Freeloading Phill and ...

... People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks

Rugrat Twin lent me Alecto's copy of this one to me to read and since it had 37 reserves on it I decided not to read the library copy.
I've been chipping away at it in between printer rollout disasters and finally knocked of the last chunk on Sunday morning.

I really enjoyed the opening half (all set in SvetlanaLand's region) but the second half began to lose me as it became more and more a thin veneer of history covering a gooshy melodramatic story. Plus all the stuff about printer failure was pretty jarring - although maybe I'm conflating my reading and my real life...

Still it had many interesting bits and her writing's not hard to read so it gets a three star rating from me.

In other news I battled through an hour long help desk call on Freeloading Mum's behalf - missing out on a lot of the lunch that I'd had to pay for! After jumping through lot's of inane plugging and unplugging tests to prove the problem wasn't at our end I finally got them make some changes at their ADSL Exchange and tada! Freeloading Mum has working ADSL again. Bloody IT people.

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