Freeloading Phill and ...

... Blogger's Block

Oddly I find myself with nothing that interesting to write about. I've been so busy lately with work and play that I've only got half-formed thoughts and can't even work myself up to the level of a mild rant. Maybe the act of writing will bring it out of me?

After my last Saturday night I can give a caution about Mexican food and free birthday meal vouchers. There I was with BrotherStealer and Legion2, happily using my free $22 birthday meal voucher at Taco Bills when the evening was brought to a crashing halt by the staff making the cheapest meal the one that was free and not mine - even after I specifically asked if the voucher applied on Saturdays while ordering my meal!
Nothing cheapens a free meal like getting ripped off on your voucher discount.

In my desperation to find something to write about I've even stooped to doing some more 2.0 - even if Supervisor Grand Chief K completely ignores my progress again I'll know I've moved ahead.
(246 Alternate Title: Thing #13 Tagging and
Well the first part of this is easy. If you'll merely look to your right you will see that I am somewhat of an expert at tagging things so much that you can get lost in the list. Although much to my shame my LibraryThing page is a little light on in the frivolous tagging department. is a little bit interesting as a accessable anywhere place to store your bookmarks (under your own tagging system, note the subtle connection with tagging). Although traditional bookmarks saved to a usb achieve the same thing. Where it seems to shine is in leading you along that path of interconnections by tags so that you can while away the hours online and forget about the rest of your life because it's all so fascinating.
Having come from a webpage creation background I already have my Phill's bookmarks webpage which is accessible to me from any browser by simply typing in the easy remembered web address.

Must off to bed now as my trawling of tag interconnections has used up my evening and taken me into the early morning.

1 comment:

Bayside Library Online Learning said...

If you put wich 'thing' you were up to in the heading or the first part of the blog instead of after all the waffle I might be able to see eyes glaze over and I miss the important bits!!