Freeloading Phill and ...

... Another Weekly Round Up

Well it got away from me again. It being spare time of course.
I blame ElfBoy who's insistence on gaming on Monday night took away one of my regular blogging/doing stuff nights. (Although since we were playing Magic I did get an 80's child thrill out of SMSing everyone It's Another Magic Monday...)

Gaming Tuesday
Tuesday was a day at Brighton with some printer related meetings and odd jobs before actually getting home early for Tuesday night gaming. In contrast to a few weeks ago we only had three players instead of the massive seven. Much easier to handle - although with all the Libraryland meeting experience I've gained over the past few years a bunch of gaming geeks isn't really that much of a challenge. Okay I've talked about gaming enough that Supervisor Grand Chief K will have skipped over to the next paragraph in her dismissive manner, and I can safely mention that I managed to fight off the dose of flu she blatantly tried to infect me with by giving me a big hug in the workroom. Of course it was just to distract me from pointing out how Torchwood, (currently displacing me as favourite child), had failed to live up to her position description yet again - probably because she spends most of her time plotting how best to torment me in a variety of manager-condoned ways.

Wednesday at Holiday Hampton
Needing a break from it all I spent the morning hiding out at Hampton branch on it's closed day. I upgraded some computers for appearance's sake and then had to leave as the branch became surprisingly busy for a closed day with a book club and Days of our Libraries showing up to pretend to do some work emptying the book chute.

My retreat to Sandringham for some peace and quiet was mostly successful although Innocent Em was at it again - asking me to stop playing with my balls in the workroom. How am I supposed to de-stress if I can't bounce the stress ball off the wall next to my desk?
In any case it was lucky only Mr Prada overheard otherwise the smut level would have gone through the roof!

With the loss of my Monday time my shows had stacked up on video by the time Wednesday night rolled around so I spent a bit of time catching up on my tv before commencing The OpenOffice Experiment da da DA! That was meant to be dramatic. I downloaded and installed (yes the .org is part of it's official name) to be the office suite that I use at home.
Colour me impressed - whatever colour that would be... hmm google is no help, maybe it's a thoughtful powder blue? Anyway I digress, OpenOffice opened all my simple word and spreadsheet files and appears to have all the functions I want and a fantastic export as pdf function. Suffice to say I fiddled about with it until late in the evening and unforgivably neglected you my loyal audience.

Corporate Thursday
My Thursday was spent at the corporate centre making preparations for the arrival of our new printers next week. I had a lunchtime break for some bus-driving practice with Supervisor Grand Chief K for reasons that you shall find out about in due course. My work afternoon was cut short by SoccerBuddy who insisted that since I was giving him a lift to the game then we had to be there for the kick-off. It was a strange experience being there when they picked sides, and in the end I had to play 70 minutes instead of my usual 40 since nobody kicked us off at 7. No wonder I didn't score.

Freeloading Friday
Now this was more like it.
Thanks to a corporate colleague leaving I had access to a morning tea and a farewell afternoon tea. The pub lunch was at my own expense unfortunately but the evening was the social club's cultural diversity happy hour including such diverse international foods as nachos and sushi - I guess we're spoiled for internationalism here in Melbourne.
Due to my dedication to work I arrived after the international beers had run out so I opted out of drinking rather than face the prospect of having to down some VBs (sorry Svetlana but the stuff is horrible).
I made it home for an evening of footy watching and, as the game slipped from our grasp, I began to regret my choice to not drink.

Saturday Pyjama Day
With nothing on my calendar I decided to spend the day in my pyjamas (read old t shirt and drawstring pants) catching up on all the little computery and housy things that had been building up over the last few busy weekends.
I did shut almost everything down for Earth Hour and tried to read by an epileptic-fit inducing candle flame - it's a wonder libraries even exist given how painful it was trying too read that way.
My very late evening was highlighted by an international call from Svetlana herself.


Mimi said...

Finally catching up on your posts and in doing so spontaneously erupted into laughter several times at work (God forbid!). This resulted in me getting weird looks, and even a visitor peering over my shoulder to see what was so funny. You know what my laugh's like.

Anyway I guess I'm giving you a compliment in a roundabout way.

My fave bits were the ball-playing incident and possible epilepsy as a result of doing something environmentally responsible. Yay balls and candles!

Phill said...

Egad these are supposed to be taken as serious cautionary tales to help you live a better life!

And what do you mean catching up?... You should have an RSS feedreader checking the Tales 24/7 for updates. That's what I do for all the important blogs I read and it's how I know that Little Big Girl, for example, has done no updating for three weeks.