Freeloading Phill and ...

... A Year of The Tales

My how the time flies. Today marks the one year anniversary of the humble start of The Tales. Perhaps fittingly I have been far too busy to post this last week. In fact the idea of closing The Tales on the anniversary had crossed my mind - going out on a high and all that.
However I think I'm going to carry on and grind The Tales into the ground, shedding readers until I am once again typing only to myself - after all I can't let 113 posts go to waste.

So, on with the show...

Mad March
My recent hecticity has been the beginning of what I am referring to as Mad March. Many projects are being embarked plus the social calendar has been busy and shonky electrics at two of the libraries have conspired to rob me of any chance of spare time blessing me with its presence.

The Prelude
The evening before the beginning of Mad March was a drinks and dinner evening for the staff of Sandringham and Hampton branches organised by Mr Prada.
Arriving late - I had to sample the free consumables being provided at the council social club happy hour - I discovered that apparently Supervisor Grand Chief K was now based at our branch. Even her renowned enabling skills couldn't get any more than a handful of staff to stay for the dinner segment of the evening - herself included.
The evening went pretty much as expected given that Sandringham has now now taken the title of smuttiest branch from Beaumaris thanks to the hard work of Mr Prada and Days of our Libraries. The ordering of the spatchcock by Kiwichick was greeted by the expected gales of laughter and Innocent Em's requests for a lift home from yours truly at the end of the evening lead to all sorts of wonderful innuendo based comedy. All in all not a bad evening as far as such self-funded events go.

A Little Geekery
My Saturday disappeared in quite quickly after I spontaneously decided to buy myself a cheap document scanner. It turns out that a combo scanner, printer, copier fit perfectly into my tight budget so I was busy unpacking and installing for most of the afternoon.
In the afternoon I tootled off to Alecto's for dinner with her and Rugrat Twin. After dinner we had Rugrat Twin and my first viewing of Shaun of the Dead. It was a good humorous addition to the Zombie genre - although if it were a book I think it would have a genre sticker a little like this:

A Bit More Geekery
Sunday began with the resumption of my watching of my Farscape season one DVDs which I have managed to guilt back out of Scully's hands since my return from Svetlanaland.
The afternoon and evening was the return of the monthly-esque Sunday afternoon gaming. There was a bumper turnout this time with Badger, Amoeba and Mechwarrior Wayne all putting in their first appearances ever.


Karyn said...

Please don't give up the 'tales'....its the highlight of my week!!!

Trev said...

Ditto... well maybe not the absolute highlight!

Thank you for noticing all my hard work in drastically lowering the tone of the Sandy Hampster!!