Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Rest of the Week

Having run out of tagging space on my last post I've been forced to continue in a second post.
Interestingly there is now a much more helpful error message than previously.


The combined length of all the labels must be at most 200 characters.

Training Day and much more Geekery
Monday was our March all staff training day.
The morning was one long session on cultural diversity training. The highlight of this was the discovery that it may be possible to have Torchwood deported back to Leekland.

Lunch was a good pub meal which, for unknown reasons, Supervisor Grand Chief K had decided should be held in the sauna-themed room of the venue.

I stumbled through my own session of tips and tricks thanks to the power of delegation with Miss Amanda and Mr Prada shouldering most of the load. Although I did manage to make a room full of librarians gasp in excitement with my tips about manipulating reservation dates.

My fourth attendance at a Geektogether was delayed a little by the appearance of drinks after the staff training day but I got there in the end. Pirate Dave and Fantomas were my bring alongs this time, proving to the other Geeks that I had gaming Geek friends of my own - ooh the subculture status I achieved!
A reasonable nights drinking and gaming talk was had but we were all a little more reserved than the last occasion.

Terrible Tuesday (and Wednesday)
Power safety switch errors and dying video cards in crucial PCs ate most of these two days. Gaming on Tuesday night and debut of the new Public PC image at Beaumaris were marks in the plus column.

Soccer Superstar
At the end of a long day of meetings and "Hey Phill!" problems at Brighton I threw my goal scoring average into disarray by scoring twice on Thursday night. At 10 goals in 17 months my average is really starting to look good.

Executive Decisions
And finally, today was an all SPUN day with the regular garden-variety Victorian meeting hosted by Dubrovnik Hater without enough chocolate biscuits.

After the meeting our host then showed Madame President, The Professor, myself, and one other a delightful cafe in the area to have lunch at.

Following lunch there was some messing about in banks before we three of the executive entered a lock-in meeting to decide the details of the annual conference.

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