Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Stealing of Wireless Go-Live Day

Today the wireless-internet-hotspot-access-point went live to the public. There is still a bit of staff training and a few signs to go up but we had several happy customers. Miss Amanda did her best Mr Prada impersonation and created most of the documentation for staff. Supervisor Grand Chief K then cunningly distracted me with free sandwiches so that they could steal all the glory and run around signing up innocent laptop-using borrowers.

All of this happened while Torchwood and I were off at a council web site team meeting. We came back all inspired to double team some changes and updates through - and may finally replace Bomber Babe's photo on the web site.

1 comment:

Ross said...

How's the wireless networking going? My soon to be work colleague would like to implement it in our organisation. I'd like to read about your experiences.