Freeloading Phill and ...

... Bad Timing by Rebecca Levene

I actually finished reading this yesterday but promotion is much more important in the exciting world of library IT.

This is a Strontium Dog novel based on the characters from 2000AD - a fine publication of which I am a regular reader. It's the first I've read of the recent run of tie-in novels and it gets off to a reasonable start. The prose flows, the ideas fit the Strontium Dog universe and the established continuity is followed so I'm a relatively happy fanboy.
It doesn't reach great heights but it's a good comfortable read.

My next (current actually) book was supposed to be the next in the Books of the Cataclysm but my eye was caught on Thursday morning, while waiting for the public PCs to reboot yet again, and I have commenced an investigation of what type of author Alexie Sayle is (so far he is in the Vonnegut/Foster Wallace area).

In other news Rugrat Twin should be partying away with Svetlana at this very moment as her holiday takes her into Svetlanaland a mere couple of months before I can get over there. No doubt my entrapment is being schemed at this very moment...

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