Freeloading Phill and ...

... The High School Reunion

Last night was my 20 year HSC reunion.

Despite having found my old school jumper the other week when I was cleaning out the last of my clothes boxes from the big move I decided against wearing something that would be skin tight nowadays. (Although the number of times I was told I haven't changed makes me wonder if I shouldn't have squeezed myself into the jumper after all...)

With BestFriendSincePrep, StumpyRudolph, and MrRogers all away at a golfing weekend it was up to me to hold the fort for the group that I still see regularly. I had a great time and was a little overwhelmed at seeing the older version of close to 100 people despite having relatively fresh memories of the 20 odd who went to the smaller 18 year get-together.

There was a little too much noise - music and chatter - to have a really good conversation and I even had to just nod and smile a few times.

Some of the highlights: two sets of twins, short conversations with the two guys who gave me some low level bullying in year 7, not even noticing it was 3am, people who looked 50 and others who looked 18, a wide mix of jobs (surprisingly few IT Guys), reminding people of nicknames and incidents they'd forgotten, hanging out with the popular girls.

Apparently we're going to aim to have one every 5 years from now on, like a mis-timed 7Up. I look forward to going to the next one.

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