Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Buck's Weekend

My weekend was dominated by bucks activities.

Saturday afternoon was filled with paintball fun. I collected Gavman, MatrixMan, and Amoeba and we headed off to the foothills of Mt Disappointment to play several games over the course of the stinking hot afternoon.
It was a lot of fun and - for me personally - not as painful as I'd feared. It would have been better if the opposition had the strength of character to not cheat (they basically played "got you - did not" with us all afternoon). The final game for the day had just our group hunting Camo Spice and the buck, Doom who had been outfitted in Kelly-gang style armour until we all ran out of ammo.

In the evening a smaller group of us recuperated with some more traditional Buck's night fare of dinner, booze and boobs. I may have been affected by the amount I had to drink as I decided to walk home from the city. It did start out as walking to the other side of the CBD abut then it was only a short way to the next road and then the next and before I knew it I was home.

Sunday was a rest day topped off with our second annual Absent Friends game of Jyhad (the card game of Vampire politics) played in memory of a friend who lost his battle against leukemia last year. My political deck won after a few timely card draws.

This morning was a meeting about printers and copiers with my new best friend as we talked about the options open to us as we get our three quotes before changing all the equipment over.
The highlight of the day, though, would have to have been the free lunch as part of the organisational catch-up program. Although I did find it strangely structured for a event that was supposed to get staff to mingle.

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