Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Great Frankston Road Trip

Today Sister Serials and I ventured down the highway to avail ourselves of the Frankston library Service knowledge of the more confusing parts of Spydus Serials.

Along the way I subjected the good Sister to the torture of my 70's era teach yourself Svetlana-ese tapes, and followed it up with a good dose of Radio-Phill from the iPod. She seems to have survived intact though so I'll have to increase the dosage next time.

Once there, some light was shed on the areas of Serials that may be causing our repeated problems with 'those darn magazines' as I like to refer to them.

We also had a demo of several of the IT support programlets that Frankston's IT nice-guy, The Professor, uses to automate several of the day to day tasks that we IT people have to slog our way through oh so frequently. The public PC booking software was particularly impressive and I may recommend that we see if it's possible to institute it at our branches - even though it would mean yet another project upon my overburdened shoulders, sigh.

Oh and the lunch wasn't free but it was in enormous proportions!

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