Freeloading Phill and ...

... Movies, Footy and Music

Good things have continued to happen as, not long after making my last post, Mr Prada finally released his vice-like grip from Doctor Who series two and allowed my reservation to allocate. I recommenced catching up with the good doctor that very evening.

Friday night's good thing was a movie outing with Rugrat Twin and Alecto in celebration of the Rugrat Twin's birthday. The Twin chose a double of both X-Files movies at the Astor (pronounces Ass-toor by the staff, I mean staaaff). It had been a very long time since I'd graced the venue with my presence and I was pleased to see that she hadn't changed a bit. My bum was a bit displeased that they hadn't changed the seats one bit though.
Rewatching the first movie - now 10 years old - gave me a weird sense of deja vu as things happened that I vaguely recalled. Obviously it was an unforgettable experience the first time I saw it.
The new movie vindicated my expert search skills when Skully, conducting doctory research into stem cell treatments, used Google - and only Google - and found exactly what she was looking for. I believe that since I do not go beyond the big G, that makes me eminently qualified to be a reference librarian.

Saturday's good thing was, of course, the Grand Final BBQ.
This year it was organised to be at StumpyRudolph's chalet in the hills - the scene of my rather unfortunate run in with BestFriendSincePrep's idea of a good nights drinking. Everything was much more sedate this time however I did have some nam-like flashbacks on visiting the rest-room I had spent so much time in.
The game itself went well and for once Legion2 and I were supporting different teams so we had a legitimate reason to abuse each other. My team won of course.

Leaving the BBQ early - i.e. the same time as everyone else - I rushed back to civilisation to join the festivities at Rugrat Twin's birthday slash flat-warming party. This kept me up until pumpkin time listening to the verbal acrobatics of Evil Twin.

Sunday was a prearranged get together with Tuck to go through our musical memorabilia from the band we were in together, oh, FOURTEEN YEARS AGO! The pictures were the most interestingly scary. Unfortunately my scanner was misbehaving and, not having anyone IT savvy enough around to fix it, I won't be able to show you any of them for a few weeks so forget I even mentioned them. In any case we unboxed many fascinating relics from those Malaclypse III times and whiled away the afternoon in reminiscent conversation.

The most recent good thing to happen was everyone believing me that I was working from home today. A few strategic emails and phone calls and the rest of day was mine.

My luck may have turned though. I unthinkingly used my bountiful non-work time to have my flowing locks trimmed so I could look all spiffy and suchlike for this weeks conference - ignoring that Svetlana has decreed that my locks must stay at least a certain length (I think so that they are easily used to guide me towards her side of any discussion we may have).
I may be forced to have hair extensions installed in order to escape her wrath when she lands in, oh, 15 more sleeps!!

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