Freeloading Phill and ...

... Getting Back on Track

After recovering from my recent serious illness I've spent my time catching up on the things that I let slide.

I'm sure you all know how illness lowers the body's resistance to obsessive compulsive behaviour and, unfortunately, the click-reward, click-reward cycle of the internet has brought new dimensions to time spent home sick and before you know it - it's Monday and you're back at work. Suffice to say not much was done about the flat being knee deep in cat sheddings and other detritus.

However as of last Sunday morning I woke feeling much more my manly self and proceeded to recommence the exercise regime with a wonderful walk/jog along the 'river'. This left me feeling invigorated enough to get things done all afternoon and even carried over into this working week.

My new-found attitude also managed to influence Fate itself as the wireless hotspot install at several branches, and an ADSL switch-over, and some RFID fix-ups all went without a hitch. In fact I even managed to organise myself for the conference next week and actually fulfil my role as an organiser of other people for the event in question.

Phew, I think I need a lie down now, and I better think some more to come up with a FridgePower approved plan for Operation Svetlana Anchor (thanks to Gavman for the obscure code name)

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