Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Well Deserved Day Off

I don't want to be a martyr but boy have I suffered lately for this RFID project.
So to make use of some of the hundreds of extra hours I've worked over the past months I decided to take a single day off.
The first complication was cancelling my IT Team meeting - which wasn't in my calendar(not my fault, honest) - so that they wouldn't scheme against me without me there.

The next wonderful thing that happened was The Tiger deciding to wake me early because she felt the need for company while she ate the bountiful food I'd left out for her the night before. I tell you I'm looking forward to Svetlana's coming visit so I'll be able to kick her out of bed with orders to look after the little one.

This wakeup was followed by a call from Torchwood's temporary successor continuing the harassment that I'm sure Torchwood herself included in the position handover instructions.

Once my day proper had begun it was quickly spoiled by The Beaumaris Ballerina, who decided to make a Sister Serials-esque support call about - you guessed it - an RFID problem.

One of the benefits of being home was being able to fianlly have a phone conversation with Svetlana herself after a few weeks of mixed up weekend schedules.

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