Freeloading Phill and ...

... Scheduling Svetlana's Sojourn

The only important thing that happened recently was the confirmed booking of Svetlana's visit to these fair shores.

It is now booked in and paid for (on my credit card, see how generous I am, and I expect nothing in return) and I have only about 40 sleeps to go until I collect her from the airport.

Of course that's not nearly enough time for me to clean up the apartment - some things are still boxed up from the move a year ago!
I figure I can get away with it if I say "it was cleaned yesterday but The Tiger went crazy and messed it all up". If that doesn't work, well, she needs something to do while I'm at work...

Now, more importantly, I have to work out how to make her stay permanent.
Naturally my first thoughts turned to some sort of basement internment. However the closest thing to a basement my block of flats has is the communal laundry, and there may be awkward questions about the woman chained up in the corner - not to mention the reams of paperwork involved in getting Body Corporate permission to install said chains.
Plan 'B' is the trickier "knock her up ploy" which I suspect may fail due to her being several months back in Svetlanaland before realising her knockedupedness and therefore likely to nest where she is.
Plan 'C' is currently percolating half-formed in the back of my mind but I know it involves flying monkeys in some way.

Oh and there was a total system crash this weekend as well

I suspect it was orchestrated by Sister Serials as she was the first to interrupt my weekend.

1 comment:

Stompy said...

Phfft! More like Flying pigs! You need a real plan. Try these:

Plan 'E': flowers and chocolates.

Plan 'F': pleading and begging.

Plan 'G': Plans 'E' and 'F' combined.

Plan 'H': Bling. Get her a big shiny ring!

Plan 'I': you guessed it, Plans 'G' and 'H' combined

Plan 'J': place some dope in her boogie board bag and get her arrested upon arrival at Melbourne airport. She will get a few years free accommodation (Deer Park isn't that far away for visiting!) and you will be guaranteed that she stays in Australia long enough for you to enact Plan 'B' during a conjugal visit.