Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Unstoppable Goal Machine

Last nights soccer saw me once again score the final goal of the evening - and the year!
That's two weeks in a row now and I'm considering becoming a full time forward.
My tally is 7 goals in 15 months.

I was late to last nights final gaming session before my big trip to Svetlanaland. Mostly because soccer is like a relationship - when you score you have to hang around and talk afterwards.

I also had a phone call from Svetlana herself which may have contributed to my lateness. When her money ran out I attempted to call her back with my calling card but the line quality was atrocious. Coincidentally I had just that day received a letter from Telstra that was pimping their new international rates as "better than calling cards" and having "Telstra's superior line quality". I was instantly reminded of my ADSL experience.

The gaming, once I did arrive, did bog down in a big fight scene until we worked out how to streamline the process (it involved not interrupting each other and only having a small amount of time to think about what your character will do). Of course by the time we were streamlining we were all also starting to fade out from exhaustion. Hopefully the rest of the group will have it perfected by the time I return from Svetlanaland.

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