Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Pressure to Blog

Well my loyal readers I have to say that I am now feeling some pressure to continue the tales with the high standard they have been maintained at for so long.

This whole process is a voracious content monster. No sooner have I relaxed after making a post than suddenly it's a few days later and the monster wants feeding again.

And now I fear that Supervisor Grand Chief K may have enabled a whole lot of people into expecting amazing mind-blowing revelations about about anything they may have experienced by my side.
Take last Friday's Work Social Club Xmas party for instance. It contained the usual amount of over-consumption (not from yours truly though I sensibly stuck to my four glass limit... or maybe five); bad dancing, loud boisterous conversation; outrageous costuming by Beeby; enforced "on-call means on-beck-&-call" chauffeuring of SGCK and friends from one tacky venue to another (who builds a replica train carriage inside their bar anyway? (ooh and I do mean tacky - at one stage Sergeant PoodlenaThePoodle needed help peeling his shoes off of the floor at Transport bar so that we could leave at closing time)) until I could escape home for some much needed rest; but really nothing spectacular or blog-worthy happened so what am I to write about??

I suppose I could put in something about Legion4 moving in to begin his house-and-Tiger-sitting stint on Saturday, or about Sundays Last gaming for 100 miles session, or possibly even about the wonderful timing my new blinds have by being ready for pickup tomorrow but there's really nary a chuckle or a cautionary tale in those events, is there?

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Bless you for keeping me amused.