Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Last They Ever Saw of Freeloading Phill

I'm flying out on my trip to Svetlanaland today.

This makes for the perfect opportunity to make use in my heading of the literary device that is used quite often to foreshadow a final parting.

In my reading experience it is used most often by Mr King when one party his heading off into certain doom and I am quite fond of the little device (picture me patting it on the head with fondness) - though I am no longer shocked by the usual twist of it being the party left behind that suffers the terrible fate. Still, you all better still be here when I return...

Special Bonus Posting - The Advance Copy
Arriving just before I return to the East is the advance copy of the first chapters of my new book. I think you'll all agree that it looks just spiffing.
I'm hoping that the rest of the chapters can be done in the new year although it may need to be revised with my current trip taken into account.

Anyhow, have a read of the sample chapters and decide for yourself.