Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Sudden Appearance of More 2.0

(246 Alternate Title: Thing #12 Rollyo)

I've had a quick look at Rollyo but, like many others I didn't want to create another logon - there is only so much Freeloading Phill to go around after all. Apparently Rollyo created me as 321321321 which is a rather catchy name if I do say so myself.

I did create a free search of The Tales, which I categorised as Society & Culture, of course.
Below is the search box code they told me would work.

Powered by Rollyo
(Of course using it to search The Tales is a waste of time since every post is so beautifully tagged that the tag list off to the left there - no lower down - is a much easier way of finding what you're after.)

Do I see a use for this sort of search? Yes, a little. But I think the catch is that you also need to be searching to see what relevant sites have shown up and need to be added to your roll so why not just search with a search engine?

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