Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Day of Meetings

After spending Wednesday night with Rugrat Twin comparing our holiday photos of Svetlanaland I had to front up at work for Thursday the Day of Meetings.

Meeting one was the Sandringham branch meeting. It was catered beautifully by Mr Prada with more muffins than you could eat - but not me, alas I had other meetings to go to so far too many muffins remained uneaten. Some work stuff was probably talked about while I was eating muffins.

My next meeting, with Bomber Babe, was shifted forward to the moment I walked in the door at Brighton. It was a five minute meeting - the sort were you are only vaguely disappointed in the lack of catering, especially if you are still full of the Sandringham bounty.

Hot on the heals of that came the completely un-catered Service Coordinators meeting. However without any provisions to take my attention I was able to follow most of the meeting and even deflect several more of Torchwood's attempts to undermine me in the eyes of the other coordinators.

Again I went straight into another meeting - this time with The Flibberty Gibbet on her semi (or is it bi?) annual visit. This one, while not catered did become a lunch at the local where I struggled to fit in a full entree and main on top of the multitude of morning muffins. TFG and Supervisor Grand Chief K were their usual well-behaved selves and we were only a quarter hour late back to work.

My short break between meetings became the rest of the afternoon to myself when Supervisor Grand Chief K decreed that our regular catch-up meeting was canceled as we had seen enough of each other lately. So I spent the rest of the afternoon getting some actual work done while my body slowly digested lunch - which it finished just in time for me to rush off to soccer.

Today, in contrast to the day of meetings, started out completely clear but quite quickly disappeared in a haze of odd jobs, system slowdown monitoring, and getting caught at desk helping the customers borrowers.

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