Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Courier Run

Here is another caution for you all. When Miss Amanda calls you while you're on your way in to work and asks "what do you have planned for today", always say that you are fully booked. To say something like "I planned to be at Beaumaris but I'm flexible" only invites the soul-sapping activities of doing the courier run because everyone else is at customer service training.

The run itself is not too bad, even with the warm weather, hot van from being in the sun, and mildly hard physical labour. However it does mean that you'll miss the opportunity to slip into the morning tea of the aforementioned customer service training. And it's also guaranteed that when you do finally finish and begin contemplating lunch the whole internet connection will drop out and you'll be running around getting that sorted for hours before being able to drag your starved self away for a late afternoon feed.

The day can however end on a good note if you head over to BestFriendSincePrep's for a swim in his pool, some beers and a good close game of Memoir '44.

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