Freeloading Phill and ...

... the Footy

Here's a caution for you all. Going to the footy on a cold winters evening to see your team out of the game after the first 10 minutes is not good for your spirits.
One can only hope that Ms Magpie was able to keep her cool as if anything could break her new icy footy-watching calm it would be the teams performance.
On the good side I got to spend ludicrous amounts of money on donuts.

Sundays was a gaming day and we had a bumper turn out, with The Valkyrie and Pirate Dave showing up for the first time in years. Main game of the afternoon was Sword and Skulls a love child of Talisman and Monopoly (but one that actually finishes in a couple of hours).

Today was back to work and back to puzzling "why does it work on that computer but not on this one" problems - oh and the obligatory network outage just when I was nutting out a problem.

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