Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Evil Plant

Since my last post I have had a relapse of my cold. The culprit ... my plant. It was brought home innocently from work and put in a wonderful spot in the bedroom from whence it began to poison me with CO2 overnight. If it hadn't been for Doctor J bringing her plantology knowledge to bear I may never have known about the plant's evil scheme to switch from producing oxygen in the daytime to consuming it overnight. Consider this a caution as apparently alll plants do this so there must be some sort of League of Evil Plants.
(There is an alternate theory that I ran myself ragged over the previous weekend and then walked home in an icy wind that destroyed my immune system on Monday night but it's so far-fetched that I give it no credence.)

Monday saw the setup of Brighton's self-issues machine while the Fiction was Ghetto-ised and some carpet replaced. There was a free lunch involved so I had to work there all day.

Tuesday was the glorious debute of the self-issues machine and it has been going well - up to about 8% of the daily loans by the end of the week. As an aside if anyone calls the machine "the fast-track" again I might just lose it - I'm looking at you Groovy Spirits!

Wednesday was a much needed sick day at home as it was followed by one of those meetings and software install days.

Friday I was back home at Sandringham branch for as day of knocking of little jobs. The evening was spent at BestFriendSincePrep's place as the subject of his massage course practise and then watching Lady in the Water - an M Night Shyamalan film. We both love his movies and this one was no exception. It is a wonderful fairy-tale full of hope. It does require you to leave your cynicism at the door though so might not cut it for a lot of people.

Went to ArchEnemy's last night to watch Australia in the soccer and see the team treated like thugs for minor indiscretions. Are the refs really so easily swayed by media hoo-ha about playing style??

Finished reading the novelisation of Judge Dredd this morning. It is fairly literal translation of a mediocre script for one of my favourite comics. Film and book both do away with the great black humour and go with straight-forward action movie material. Its no wonder that they never got the franchise past the first film.

The day was topped off with a family lunch with all of the Legion gathered at the ancestral home and of course I was called on to do some computer fixing for Freeloading Mum.

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