Freeloading Phill and ...

... Pan's Labyrinth

I watched Pan's Labyrinth this morning. It was an enjoyable and beautiful movie with a nice touch of "did it really happen?" mixed with a Brazil-like ending.

Other things going on have been a farewell dinner for ChantellattheLibrary who will be missed as a brightener of the Sandringham workroom. The good part is that I no longer have to clear shelf space for the storytime collection and can continue to horde my obsolete IT equipment - just in case.

After the dinner ArchEnemy brought Legion2 over for some gaming long into the night.

To further deny me a proper nights sleep, Sir Clive Pitbull invited me out last night for a catch up drink in the city. Hector TN was there and we listened raptly to the latest in the ongoing saga of Sir Clive's crazy ex.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Now to the exchange of blog comments! :) Here's to newly discovered blogs and other happy technical things.

Just wanted to say I thought Pan's Labyrinth was a beautiful movie but also extremely dark and violent. The first violent scene (the 'bottle' scene) shocked and upset me to the point where I burst into tears in the cinema. Oops. I wasn't expecting the movie to be anything like that... I was expecting it to be more dreamy.

That said, bar the sadistic bastard (who was brilliantly played by Sergi Lopez)and his gratuitous violence, I really enjoyed the movie!